work with me

I offer freelance research consultancy, writing and editing services for a range of projects. Please get in touch if you would like to work with me.

I am an academically-trained sociologist with a PhD and fifteen years’ experience writing, editing, conducting social research and teaching, up to graduate level. More information on my professional experience, and my CV can be found on my page.

Research consultancy

Whether it is primary research you need conducting; advice and guidance on designing a research project; or a service or project you need evaluating, I can help. I have conducted over thirty social research projects in the field of education and work; schooling; children and youth; the urban context; social policy and welfare. I have specialist expertise in understanding social inequalities and equal opportunities; including on race, racism and multiculturalism; gender; social class and poverty; urban, rural and regional divides. I am interested in supporting research on (dis)ability. I specialise in qualitative methods including interviews; observation; ethnographic methods; scoping studies; review and analysis of existing textual materials. However I can also provide, and advise on, quantitative methods, including, for example, collection and analysis of existing project stats, or designing and conducting small-scale questionnaire surveys. Some previous clients have included Trinity College London and the Arts Council England; The Arvon foundation and the Calouste Gulbenkian foundation; Youth Music; We are What We Do and the Aldridge Foundation; and the UK government technology quango Becta.

Writing services

Having worked in academic research centers for ten years, I have extensive experience of writing, editing and winning research grants, preparing and writing journal articles; policy reports; research briefings; blog posts, and I have co-authored a book on urban youth. I can support you with various communications of your research, projects and ideas. I can write blog posts; research and grant proposals; literature reviews; briefings or policy reports, on the basis that authorship is transparent.  I have ethical standards and I do not write essays, theses or journal papers for others because this is cheating.

Editing and proofreading services

I have a range of experience editing other’s work including journal articles; theses; book sections and blog posts. I can provide content or developmental editing for work in the field of sociology, education; urban studies; gender studies; human geography. I can also provide technical and style copy-editing, and proofreading on a broader range of topic areas. I can edit and proofread:

  • Undergraduate, Masters and PhD theses
  • journal articles
  • grant proposals
  • book proposals
  • reports and briefings
  • job materials (CVs, applications, personal statements)
  • online articles and blog posts

PhD supervision

I have supervised doctoral candidates, including to completion, and I am keen to supervise others. If you like my work and you want to undertake a PhD in a cognate area, please contact me to discuss your proposal and together we can shape the proposal and approach a hosting institution. I am particularly interested to supervise students in these areas:

  • education for social justice
  • community mix and mixing, borders and segregations
  • critical race theory
  • postcolonial theory
  • cultural class analysis
  • alternative value and values
  • liveable lives under capitalism (or beyond it)
  • critical parenting studies

Please email me if you want to discuss any of the above.